Sunday, August 23, 2015

My Art and My Journey Through Macular Degenration

Welcome to my new blog, Cecelia-Through My Eyes Two.  
      I plan to share with you, my art, my stories and memories, and my  discoveries and experiences  with AMD, Age Related Macular Degeneration.   I also like to  share information about  other artists and writers, places and activities of interest, and various sites that I find interesting related to such things as music, genealogy,  books, magazines, interesting videos and web cams, and whatever  piques my interest
I hope that you will learn something, , enjoy, and share  my blog with others.     I would be pleased if you will subscribe to my blog so that you will be able to receive the latest posts easily.  That also makes it much easier for me to  get posts to you.
I started a blog several years ago and had a lot of information, and set up the  way I liked it.  However, I lost the center vision in my "good eye", too.  This presented a problem because I  wrote all my passwords on paper and now could not read them  Also lost the  paper when we moved.     At that time, also, the hard drive in my computer was bad, but, because of my low vision, I could not read the small letters on my screen.  Eventually got a new hard drive, then had to get the store to put the information back on from the old hard drive.  It is still confusing to me.  Especially since I am not  very tech savvy.  And the low vision does not help at all! 
I liked the title of my  previous blog, but I still don't know how to get into it.  So I am just starting over, and added Two for the second blog.
Thank you for reading, for sharing, for joining me in this journey.
I do try to edit and correct my typos.  Sometimes I just miss things due to my very low vision.  I appreciate your patience and understanding.